A Panic attack is more common than you think. A Panic attack is an exaggeration of the body’s normal response to fear, stress or excitement. When Adrenalin floods your body, it can cause a number of different physical and emotional sensations. In response to a perceived threat, stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are secreted causing the fight/flight response. When these hormones flood your body they cause muscles to tense up which in turn cause your breathing to race, your heart to pump harder and your sweating to increase. You may feel nauseous and dizzy. Panic attacks come on very quickly and you may feel as though you are going to die or go crazy.
It may seem that the attack came from “nowhere” or “out of the blue”. People experiencing attacks may find themselves becoming more nervous and fearful about having another attack. Some people develop a fear of fear, causing hyper-awareness of body sensations such as any nervousness, stomach tension, or sweating. Anticipation itself may cause the panic response they fear.
We can work with Panic using a variety of different techniques that you may take with you so you will feel in harmony with your life once again.